Before the photoshoot

In order to achieve satisfaction from both parties a clear understanding must be established. So, to avoid disappointments, prior to the photoshoot I will ask you certain questions to understand your needs. You may and should prepare your own questions or read some examples here. What I may ask you: Your preferences in photography styles […]

Prepare for a photoshoot

You’ve asked me all the questions regarding the cost, deadlines, location etc. We’ve set on a photo style you prefer. Now it’s time to prepare for the photoshoot. Here you can find some general tips on how to make yourself look better, and my life easier. Planning a photoshoot can take weeks, even months. But […]

Choosing location

What if the photoshoot is not in a studio or in office with a plain background? You will need to think of the location. Unless you aleady have something in mind, of course, I will help you to choose. But you will need to decide on the style of the pictures first. Here are some […]